Drake Dental Practice LogoDrake Dental Logo IconDrake Dental Practice Logo Example

Drake Dental Practice is a dental practice in Greater Manchester supplying both NHS and private dental care. There has been a dental practice in the building for over 100 years. The previous identity for the organisation had a very much DIY feel which featured an old style boat. The practice also supply a range of beauty treatments. The practice is situated in a very popular area for dental practices most of which have now been taken over by corporate bodies. Drake Dental was to remain independent but also needed to compete with the other practices in the area.

Drake Dental Practice Logo - GreyDrake Dental Practice Logo - PinkDrake Dental Practice - Logo BuildDrake Dental Practice - Graphic Design PortfolioDrake Dental Practice Branding Colour

The idea behind the identity was to create a simple word mark that conveyed the service but also the feeling the practice hopes to give it's customers. The idea being that the little understanding a user got form 'working out' the logo would make it memorable to them. The identity would be deployed across the website, stationery, interior and exterior signage and marketing materials.

Drake Dental Practice Desktop Web DesignDrake Dental Practice Website DesignDrake Dental IconsDrake Dental Practice Mobile Site ExampleDrake Dental Practice Logo on Clothing